How Do You Add the Tip Screen Before Payment?

The act of tipping has evolved from the quiet exchange of cash between customers and service workers into a digital transaction, often facilitated by something called the “tip screen.” As cashless payments and digital platforms dominate the marketplace, the tip screen has become a crucial interface where gratitude is monetized in real time. Found in restaurants, cafes, and even some retail environments, this technology asks customers to add gratuity directly after a purchase, transforming the social dynamics of tipping in a significant way.

What is a Tip Screen?

A Tip screen is the portion of a digital payment system that prompts customers to leave a tip before completing their transaction. These screens are now common on point-of-sale (POS) systems, which include card readers, tablets, and smartphones. The tip screen usually displays predefined percentage options—such as 10%, 15%, or 20%—and often provides the option for a custom amount or to forgo tipping altogether.

These digital interfaces have become common in many service-based businesses, including restaurants, coffee shops, food trucks, beauty salons, and ride-sharing services. In some cases, even industries not traditionally associated with tipping have adopted this technology, such as retail stores and certain professional services.

The Psychology Behind the Tip Screen

The introduction of the tip screen has changed not only how we tip but also how we think about tipping. Traditional tipping used to be discreet, and the amount could be decided without direct pressure. However, with the emergence of the tip screen, customers are often confronted with tipping options in front of staff, making the act feel more public. This creates a psychological pressure to tip generously or at least to not appear stingy.

This public nature of tipping has been scrutinized, with some arguing that the tip screen can guilt customers into leaving higher tips. The placement of the screen—often right in front of the cashier or server—adds another layer of social expectation, pushing customers toward tipping, even when they might not have done so otherwise.

Moreover, the way tip options are presented can influence how much a customer tips. For instance, if the lowest tip option is 15%, it may push customers to tip more than they would have if the lowest option was 10%. This tactic, sometimes referred to as “tip anchoring,” capitalizes on customers’ desire to choose the middle option, often making them feel that tipping below the first suggested amount is inadequate.

The Benefits of Tip Screens

Despite the social pressure some customers may feel, tip screens offer tangible benefits to both businesses and workers. For employees, tip screens often lead to more consistent tips, as they make it easy for customers to quickly add gratuity. The preset tipping options remove the guesswork from customers’ hands, which can lead to higher tipping rates overall.

For businesses, tip screens can speed up the payment process by incorporating tipping into the checkout workflow. With cash-based tipping, workers may need to wait until the end of their shift to receive tips, but with digital payments, gratuities are often automatically added to their daily wages. Additionally, businesses can track tipping trends, which provides insights into customer satisfaction and employee performance.

Criticisms and Concerns

While the tip screen offers convenience, it has its detractors. Some argue that tip screens can be intrusive and manipulative, creating social pressure in situations where tipping may not have been customary. For example, some customers may feel awkward when prompted to tip for a simple takeout order or at a fast-food counter where tipping traditionally wasn’t expected.

Another concern is transparency. In some cases, businesses may not make it clear how tips are distributed. There have been instances where tips collected via tip screens do not go directly to the employees but are instead pooled, or worse, used to subsidize wages.

Moreover, tip screens can blur the lines between what is considered a tipping-based industry and one that pays workers a fair, livable wage. The widespread use of tip screens in industries beyond hospitality has led some consumers to question whether they should be responsible for supplementing workers’ incomes in sectors that are not typically tip-dependent.

The Future of the Tip Screen

As the use of Digital Payments continues to grow, it’s likely that tip screens will become even more prevalent. They may continue to evolve, becoming more intuitive and integrated into seamless customer experiences. For example, in-app tip screens for delivery and ride-sharing services have already become a standard, offering a frictionless way to tip after the service has been completed.

In addition, the future may see tip screens expand beyond traditional service industries, prompting tipping in new and unexpected areas. As companies explore ways to increase revenue and improve employee satisfaction, tipping culture may shift to include more professions, further changing the expectations around gratuity.


The tip screen represents a modern twist on a long-standing practice, reshaping how we think about tipping and the ways in which we express gratitude for service. While it offers undeniable benefits in terms of convenience and consistency, it also raises important questions about social pressure, fairness, and wage transparency. As technology continues to shape consumer behavior, the tip screen will likely remain a fixture of the digital age, influencing the future of gratuity in both expected and unexpected ways.

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